Michelle Ptacek is a certified gifted/talented teacher and multi-talented creative. She leads groups of 5-7 or so students in daily Zoom meetups, usually consisting of a few minutes of each child giving an overview of their day, sharing any personal news or projects, a mini-lesson perfectly geared towards helping profoundly gifted and twice/multi-exceptional kids understand how their brains and social-emotional experiences tick along a little differently than a lot of kids their age, and always a little time for some jokes or fun banter or brain-building games. This class has been the best jump-start to my son’s days and the FIRST time he‘s ever had the opportunity to really get to know and interact on a regular basis with a group of kiddos that he could fully relate to. Michelle truly understands how to lead them with a sense of curiosity and genuine interest, helping through any social anxieties, keeping the conversations flowing, fun, and (incredibly) on-track. Medicine for his soul!